Israel is the Key;
The Last Generation;
What is Sin?
Why do You Love Jesus?
The Playfulness of Jesus (A Testimonial)
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Giacobbe (Tuesday, 25 September 2012 02:06)
Great info, thx
Emily (Friday, 20 May 2011 17:19)
Awesome website! :)Love reading the messages!
The Chosen One (Wednesday, 08 December 2010 17:32)
The site is AWESOME and nothing less that I would expect from you brother. Keep up the good work ! I am so thankful still to this day that God has brought us four together.. Jesus-Chaz-Yourself and I !! May we continue to learn from one another and glorify God in all we do !!! God's Peace and Love----------------
Allen Ballantine (Saturday, 02 May 2009 15:08)
Thank you, Laurie doesn't have a CD yet but if you would like to hear more you can go to her my-space
Laurie Salmons (Friday, 01 May 2009 19:45)
Hi Allen: finally got to your web page. Look forward to reading it. Tell you wife we just love her voice! We could just listen to her for hours. Does she have a CD?
hisreturn (Wednesday, 21 January 2009 15:11)
A lot of people have asked me, knowing that I'm a conservative Christian, whatI thought about Obama's election. My response was nobody has authority unless God grants it so his election must be in God's plan and I believe that Obama could be the President that leads the US into the final years. keep your eyes on what happens in the middle east.
Robin Hebert (Wednesday, 21 January 2009 12:15)
I really like your website. We are definitely right in the midst of the last days!! Especially with what just happened yesterday......God bless!